Tuesday, 12 November 2013

TV Spot - Oral-B Toothpaste

Every job usually has at least one stand out factor. In August I was cast as a drummer in an advert for Oral-B toothpaste. Now I've never played the drums and thank fully I wasn't required to here. I along with two others formed the band for the Oral-B Spokesperson...Shakira! I'm a twenty-five year old guy, I grew up watching Shakira's bum shake! Can you imagine my delight upon being cast in this advert! Filming consisted of a three scenes. Firstly we, the band were simply walking down a corridor behind Shakira, as if walking backstage in a stadium on our way to the main stage. Second scene was a copy of what we're told Shakira does every time before she goes on stage, a team huddle. Final scene was us on stage in the background with Shakira at the front. 

Th place was set up as if Shakira was actually performing of course, including 40 or so screaming fans, to add to the effect

I think I made quite a convincing drummer

Needless to say, this was one hella day! I actually had a chat with Shakira, brief but awesome! She asked what I was doing in Barcelona, I of course told her all my hopes and dreams! Just a really great day!

Thats the advert then. I know what you're thinking, I wasn't in it that much! well you would be right, a side from the first scene I didn't get any screen time really. Just another example of how you are constantly challenged in this industry, in this case mentally. For me, i'm just grateful I had any air time, and besides, being on screen at the same time as Shakira, even a split second...has got to be equal to pretty much everything else Ive done!

Above is the link to, obviously, the making-of video, you can see just how much fun Shakira had :)

I mean, I think we look good together

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