Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Photoshoot - Huw Jenkins

Huw and I were introduced through a mutual friend. One simple purpose, to get work for our portfolios. There are lots of stories of young girls and boys being scammed out of money for photos, whilst being fed dreams of grandeur. Thats not the way it should work. Photographers need to constantly update their portfolio just the same as models have too. In this way photoshoots are invariably to the benefit of both the photographer and the model.

I met Huw at his studio a couple of weeks ago. I say studio, he was working out of what I think is called an artist's commune. A big building with rooms for 8 artists, as well as big open spaces for studio work or whatever they may have in mind. There were numerous displays showcasing their work; all in all a very cool location. We tried to make the most of our surroundings and what was available to us, and manipulate it into the photos. I met up with Huw a few weeks before, setting a relaxed tone from the start. the fact he was English and I was able to actually converse with the photographer probably helped as well! Im extremely happy with the results.

Huw Jenkins

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